Bedtime Habits for Better Sleep
Bedtime Habits for Better Sleep

Parents know all about the importance of a good bedtime routine for their little ones. We try to slow them down through a series of activities until they are good and ready to sleep. In our household, the routine looks something like this: bath, milk and a bedtime story together with cuddles before they are tucked in for the night.
Unfortunately, when we reach adulthood – and should know better – we throw out all these good sleep habits out in favour of late night Netflix binges, staying up late to watch K-drama or scroll through social media, collapsing into bed after work or chores, sleeping only the bare minimum of hours…. No wonder in surveys, adults consistently say they do not get enough sleep or do not sleep well!
Better quality sleep starts with strong sleep hygiene, according to This means “…having both a bedroom environment and daily routines that promote consistent, uninterrupted sleep.” Good sleep habits incorporated into a nightly routine helps the mind calm down and trains the body to unwind and tune in to sleep.
Switch off all devices
The light from devices coupled with the deluge of content overstimulates the brain and messes with the body’s internal clock, making any form of screens before bedtime a big no-no. Turn off all screens a good 30 minutes before sleep to allow your brain time to unwind and detox from the stimulation.
Get your to-do list ready
Having too many thoughts swimming around can keep your brain on alert mode well into the night. It helps to put it all down on an app or notebook. Not only does it off load your mental burden, it also gives you a game plan for the next day.
Have a relaxation routine
Find an activity that helps you to relax physically and mentally. Stretching, praying, listening to soothing music, reading or doing breathing exercises are great ways to prepare the whole body for sleep. Doing this regularly will signal to the brain it’s time to sleep.
Use calming scents
Sleep and scent are closely linked. Circadian rhythms regulate both sleep and smell hence certain scents can help calm the mind, promote better sleep, or even influence dreams and memory formation during sleep.[1] Try using sleep-inducing, calming essential oils in a diffuser, room spray, bath water or applied directly with some moisturizer or body oil as part of your bedtime routine.
We recommend
Our Sweet Dreams blend combines the soothing, calming oils of:
- Lavender Known for its relaxation properties, many studies show Lavender slows the heart rate, increases deep sleep and improves sleep quality.
- Sweet Marjoram has anesthesia and tranquilization properties which helps stimulate sleep. It blends well with Orange and Lavender.
- Orange, like most citrus oils, relieves anxiety. It be used to counter poor sleep quality caused by depression, stress and anxiousness.
- Sandalwood Woody and earthy, this oil has sedative properties and eases anxiety. It promotes drowsiness and non-REM sleep.
- Ylang Ylang slows pulse rate and reduces stress making the body more ready to go to bed.
Useful & interesting information. Thanks for the info on combination oils. Goodnight 😴